Some of my favorite show quilts: (sorry for the cruddy phone pics)

Ive been wanting to make a patriotic quilt to put out around Independence Day so I was really liking these two:

Gorgeous cathedral window quilt. This was made a little differently allowing the windows to literally pop off the quilt giving it a 3D effect.

These next two are all appliqued. I thought this one was a print at first.

So much detail in this one too!

This mini quilt has the tiniest stippling ever! Pretty incredible.

Here's a little size reference. Incredible how it goes all through and around the ribbon flower (which were done before the quilting.)

I went in saying I wasn't going to buy anything, and of course wasn't able to stick to my guns. My favorite fabric find was this cute stack. I loved purple in high school and I guess I got sick of it because I've hated it ever since. But for some reason the combination of the gray, navy, and purple really struck a chord with me and I couldn't let go of this stack. It's Art Gallery Spellbound from Material Girl.

I also had to hunt down a pair of these awesome scissors after hearing so much hype about them the night before at the Dallas Modern Quilters Guild.

I had such a great time. I'm definitely going every year from now on!